Eqvarium's Services: Small Naming Process
Eqvarium's Services: Small Naming Process

Small Naming Process


Naming isn’t just for large established companies. A good company- or product name is just as important for start-ups and solopreneurs. When you look to put your new business on the map, the right brand name can help you grow faster.


Young companies usually don’t have the budget for a full-scale naming process. Eqvarium supports entrepreneurship and offer a smaller but very effective process for small businesses. It works very similar to our full-scale naming process only it’s not as extensive.


Let’s begin with a coaching session

A coaching session helps you define your company and what you’re looking for. Based on your needs, we then tailor a professional, stripped-down process to help you find a new name that fits your company or product – today and in the long run. All names are legally and linguistically quality assured.


“What’s the difference between the smaller service and the full-scale naming process?”

  • Instead of physical meetings and workshops with you and your team, we have phone- or Skype appointments.
  • The list of company- or product names to consider will not be as extent as in the full-range process. However, you will still have plenty of high-quality names to choose between.
  • Our smaller naming process is faster.

For a start-up or a solopreneur our smaller naming service is a great option since it’s less expensive, faster and still gives the business a great initial push.


Would you like to know more about our naming process for young and small businesses?

Eqvarium CEO Katarina Nilsson is also an experienced coach with a passion for company- and personal development.

Are you in need of inspiration to make positive change for you or your whole company?

Visit katarinanilsson.com and learn more about her different classes and services.


“I am very satisfied. We had tried to come up with our own name, but were constantly getting stuck. Eqvarium guided us through the process with the right questions and positive energy.”

Stefan Pettersson
