Eqvarium's Services: Naming
Eqvarium's Services: Naming

Full naming process

The Creative Process Behind Your New Brand Name


To single out the best suitable brand name for your company or product, Eqvarium recommends a full naming process. In 6-8 weeks you will have a high quality, legally sound trademark name that communicates well and works in different languages on your key markets.

Our Full Naming Process in 4 Steps:

Naming process

1: Strategy & Briefing Workshop

We meet up with your team to define the naming strategy and the brand name requirements. Through different exercises around similar brand characteristics and name types, Eqvarium creates a debrief. The debrief is sent to back to you before we begin working creatively on your new name.

2: Brand Name Creation & Quality Assurance

Based on the creative platforms we’ve agreed upon, Eqvarium creates a large amount of names with different tonality for quality assurance. If your team has business name ideas of their own these will be included and subjected to our quality assurance as well. Approximately 60 names will be delivered to your naming team along with instructions on how to prepare for the next step.

3: Presentation & Selection Workshop

This is where the real fun begins! In this naming workshop we use a methodology that allows your team to get to know and truly feel the names. Everyone takes an active part and at the end of the day, the list will include only 15-20 names. After the workshop we will send your naming team a report with instructions on how to prepare for the final meeting – where your new brand name will be decided!

4: Decision Workshop

Based on the brief, internet availability and our legal and linguistic results, we will guide you into making the final decision for your new name. During the workshop we’ll make a priority list with your primary choice and 2-3 backup names. The candidate list will go through approximately 60 trademark databases to ensure originality and quality, before the IP-team takes over for further legal screening and trademark filing procedures.


Hire Eqvarium for a comfortable, efficient and fun naming experience – one that will make your name decision easier and benefits your business. Are you ready to turn your brand problems into possibilities?

Eqvarium Naming

“It felt safest to contact someone who works with these kinds of issues on a daily basis.”

Jonas Nilsson

CEO, CCS HealthCare

wellspect healthcare

“The name LoFric Origo is one of several product names that we have developed together with Eqvarium. All of these naming processes have been characterized by both professionalism and fun.” 

Christian Thorup

Head of Market Communication, Wellspect HealthCare

Some of the names we have created

Names we have created: Credento
Names we have created: Favro
Names we have created: Adveon
Names we have created: Nytida
Names we have created: Credento