Data Protection Declaration

The legal entity that is collecting your data is:

Eqvarium AB
Kvarngränd 10
131 31 Stockholm, Sweden


If you would like to update, change or amend your data, please let us know by contacting us at this e-mail address:

If you would like to be deleted from our database, please contact us here:


What data do we store?

We store all of the data that we need in order to maintain our relationships with our clients. This data ranges from records including full name, e-mail address and country, to more extensive records that include full name, telephone number, e-mail address and address.


Why do we store you data?

We store your data in order to provide the services that we offer and to fulfil our contractual undertakings with our clients.

Recordings of seminars and workshops are stored and distributed to enable clients to play back seminars they attended.


Who has access to your data?

Eqvarium’s team has access to your data to be able to fulfil our contractual agreements with our clients. The team may include communications and marketing team, event organizers and administrative staff.

In addition, outsourcing work on specialist tasks within IT and accounting, for example, sometimes requires us to grant consultants access to your data whenever and wherever this is required to fulfil our legal obligations towards official authorities or to develop and improve our services.


Do we share your data?

We share your data with no one other than the agencies we are legally obliged to.


How long is the data stored?

We keep the data stored as long as:

  • We have a relationship with you as a client or interested party
  • We are legally obliged to for tax purposes
  • Until you unsubscribe or ask us to delete your information


What data protection rights do you have as a client?

As a client, you have the right to:

  • manage your e-mail information
  • correct any and all information we have stored
  • request details of the data we have stored
  • request deletion or limitation of your stored data


Are clients obliged to provide their data?

Yes, as a client, you must provide the data we need to be able to fullfil our contractual obligations within the various services we offer.

Depending on what you are requesting from us, we will ask you to provide information that may range from your full name, e-mail address and country to more extensive information concerning your business.


Where do we store your data?

We use multiple systems for storing your data to fullfil our contractual agreements with our clients. In general, information is stored in cloud services and on computers in the country of our residence.


How do we protect your data?

Eqvarium AB contractors and the external agencies with whom we work have all signed NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements). They have also been trained in data protection.

The stored data can only be accessed through security-protected entry points by users with permission to access the information.


Unsubscribe or edit your data

If you would like to update, change or amend your data, please let us know by contacting us at this e-mail address:

If you would like to be deleted from our database, please contact us here:


“Eqvarium led the work process in a professional way. They have created an efficient process that made the challenge easier and the work more creative and fun.”

Malin Hammarström

Nordic Marketing Manager, Premium Juice Rynkeby

atlas copco

“One of the strengths of Eqvarium’s work process is that everyone gets to be involved. Also, it’s worth a lot to us that they can check from the start whether the names can be registered.“

Thomaz Ahlborg

Product Manager, Atlas Copco Rock Drills


“We needed a partner who really understands our vision and identity. It’s hard to find – but Eqvarium was just that.”

Patric Palm

Chair & CEO, Co-founder, Hansoft