Innovate or Die.

In the spirit of innovation, we’d like to end this year by giving you a few useful tips on how to develop your brand beyond naming. There are PLENTY of talented businesses with great offers out there and in order to survive, a constant flow of innovation is key. If you really desire to be in the forefront of your business area, you need to constantly create, explore and open up for new points of view. Consider this:

1. Avoid status quo
Keep an eye on what’s going on around you but also go inside of yourself and trust what you know is right for you in your business.

2. Stay curious
If you could do anything in life, freed from the chains of expectations, what would you choose? When you get to do what you really love and create with ease, new inspiration will appear from everywhere. It affects your soul as well as your sales.

3. Ask questions
Always ask yourself — and your business — what else is possible that you haven’t yet considered. By throwing the question out there you’ve planted a seed of possibility and the next bright idea will occur when you least expect it.


Did you know our CEO Katarina Nilsson is also an experienced business coach?
Contact us for an inspiring lecture on naming and business.