Gaming behavior is a hot topic these days. But even though online games can certainly consume us, these alternative worlds aren’t all that bad. Fortnite, for example, is in many ways a cultural revolution. Although action-packed and violent, it does encourage diversity with its many different “skins” that can be of any race or gender. Just this week, they released new female soccer skins such as Poised Playmaker, Finesse Finisher and Clinical Crosser. And guess what, they’re a big hit among boys too.
Fortnite is also interesting from a marketing and naming point of view. Basically, we’re talking alliteration galore here. The adventure will take you everywhere from Loot Lake and Lucky Landing to Happy Hamlet and Haunted Hills. Perhaps not a groundbreaking strategy, but a crystal clear and tight one that certainly appeals to the masses.
We’re pretty good at names too. Let’s go Fortnite on your brand!