“Whatever you venture into, we can provide you with the tools to find a great brand name for it.”


Times are indeed strange. Many are forced to leave their jobs, others aren’t allowed to leave their homes. Some, of course, are even less lucky. However, from our point of view, this crappy period in life also provides an opportunity to rethink, reset and start over doing something entirely new. Can you even remember when you had this much time on your hands before? We sure can’t.


During the pandemic, we have noticed how talented people from all over the world generously share their expertise and brilliance in different ways. The tools for shaping a whole new you are basically everywhere – up for grabs for free.


Perhaps you’ve hesitated to leave your safe and likeable day job for your one true calling, the thing you really love in life? Or maybe you find yourself in a situation where you have no safe and likeable day job to return to anymore? Either way, we want to encourage you to choose the adventure. Start a business, design a cool product, tailor a fantastic service or create a web shop for all your vintage clothing. Whatever you venture into, we can provide you with the tools to find a great brand name for it. That will be our contribution to get you going.


Please consider yourself invited to a free Zoom class led by yours truly on creating brand names. It consists of a 20-minute introduction to the art of naming followed by a 30-minute Q&A discussion, and will take place 19/5. Save the date and register here.

Perhaps you are already well familiar with naming processes? Join us anyway – there is always something new to be learned. All you need to bring are your questions and curiosity.


Remember, from this point there is only going forward.

Let’s create a better tomorrow together!


Katarina Nilsson – CEO