It is essential for any large corporation to know its consumers’ behavior and what truly appeals to them. That is something you never find out in a board room. Unless we’re talking about a room full of skate boards, that is. Most skate companies are closely attached to the actual product, since they’re often run by former pro-skaters and enthusiasts. This is an enviable position to be in, since they pretty much know what works and what doesn’t. How else could something deemed as an outsider sport transform into a billion-dollar industry in just a few decades

However mainstream skateboarding has become, the creative spirit was never compromised. Name-wise, there is no better place to look for inspiration. We have everything from Alien Workshop to Deathwish, Baker, Krux and Krooked – little of which makes sense to an outsider (or even an insider), which is probably the whole point. And you know what, it sells better than corporate BS. We understand if you are hesitating to let a creative team do a 720 Gazelle Flip on your beloved brand.

But why not at least try an ollie?