Personal names can be a handful. John, Anna and Daniel? Or Texas, Estelle and Rio? The traditional is bland, while the trendy easily becomes ridiculous. Is it even possible to give someone a name that both stands out, blends in and has longevity? As naming pro’s, we consider this to be one of our biggest and most important challenges. The result just has to be good!

Fortunately, the naming process is pretty much the same whether we’re working with an exciting new dishwasher or an exciting new individual. We look at the personality of the “brand” and gather information about what might fit and what kind of names we would prefer to avoid, and then begin to form a variety of suggestions for you as a client (probably a parent) to decide from.

And just like when launching a product, the benefits of hiring a naming agency to find a name for your baby or entire family are numerous. When you create names it’s very easy to get stuck and not be able to reach a decision. An external party can come in with an entirely new perspective and give you something you never even realized you were after. Recently we received the prestigious assignment to create a new surname to a family in search of something that felt both adventurous, safe and unique. We think the name they chose captures all that and more.

What would you and your family be called if you could choose?

P.S. You actually can.

Some things in life you’re simply stuck with. Your name, for instance. Of course, if you don’t like it you can always change.

Eqvarium’s Breakfast Seminar – “To Create Profitable Names”

Spring seminars with different themes and guests! 

Fancy free insights on naming? Here’s your chance!

This spring, Eqvarium invites guests — representatives from Sandvik and the Patent and Registration Office (PRV) to name a few — for conversations on the mechanisms of naming from different perspectives.

Before each seminar, we enjoy a light breakfast and mingle. Don’t hesitate to share your own thoughts on naming. Let’s see if we can solve your challenges together!

Next seminar is March 15. Vi talk names and brands from an investor’s perspective, focusing on both start-ups and investors seeking potential companies.

Limited seats, book your place in time!

Time: 8:00-9:30
Place: Coor Conference, Tegelbacken 4a, Stockholm
Date: March 15, April 12 & May 10

Book your spot here!

Do You Expertise in IP Rights? Let’s Work Together!

We are creative, fearless and professional — this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

Eqvarium sees many potential ways to strengthen both our customer relations. Lectures on the naming process and various workshops are two popular examples that raise awareness of both intellectual property rights and how businesses can think around names.

Would you like to attend our free spring Breakfast Seminars to get to know us and our take on names and IP? Contact us!

Name Spotting of the Month – Great Cars Don’t Go Middle of the Road

A weird name that’s impossible to pronounce is a deathtrap for any brand. Right? In the automobile industry, we find a persistent and a bit unexpected trend that points to the exact opposite. During the past decade, industry-leading manufacturers have given their new car models names that very few people can associate to, even if they, in fact, have meaning. A fine example comes from Nissan and their roaring ride Qashqai. Now you’re thinking: How do you even say it. Now Nissan is thinking: Yes, 2.5 million units sold and counting.

Can you guess what the name refers to without reading the article?