“Show, don’t tell” may be a worn-out expression, but it’s used for good reason. In fact, many companies we encounter still need a reminder of what it means, especially when it comes to their brand and product names. It’s a simple rule, really: Don’t be too descriptive about your product benefits, or you will limit yourself right from the start. Also, a descriptive name could make you look bland, anxious or weak in vision.


“With a great brand name, your business could become iconic.”


But you can’t just go crazy, right? Well, these guys sort of did:


Their electronic devices have changed society as we know it. But their brand name has literally nothing to do with software or tech innovation. Did you know, an apple is in fact a fruit? What the hell were they thinking?


Caterpillar is an American Fortune 500 company that specialize in heavy machinery and construction equipment. Wait, what? We thought it was the larvae of butterflies!


E-commerce for the masses? What happened to the mighty rainforest, home to 10 % of the known species on our planet? Blasphemy!


Yes, we know, they didn’t just pick a name out of the blue. But the magic part is how they managed to change the entire perception of a word by reloading it with their product’s pure awesomeness.


If you have a good business, it will still be good even without a great brand name. But with a great brand name, your business could become iconic. Think of that before playing it safe.