One to close and one to come

At the end of each year I try to find some time to sit down and reflect on the year that has passed. Just the other day I performed this metaphorical ’flip through of the calendar’ and realized that 2015 has been quite an eventful year. The naming business is moving at full speed ahead and a lot of other exciting things have also happened. I decided to share a selection with you; maybe it can inspire you to do the same?

The year started off with a number of new exciting naming projects for customers in as diverse businesses as dairy, baby products and pharmaceuticals. I received my ICF coach diploma in March and I also got a chance to give a naming lecture to students at IHM in the Strategic Brand Management program.

In the beginning of April I attended an advanced coaching class in Venice. During this month I also spent a lot of time and energy preparing for my first art exhibition at the So Stockholm gallery. Among other things, I framed the paintings, had them transported to the venue and everything from wine glasses to printed matters had to be ordered. Looking back I can hardly take in just how many details I attended to.

During the month of May I worked intensively on a number of naming projects but also found the time to spend a weekend painting at Skaparladan in the archipelago. After all of the practical work with the exhibition it was wonderful to get in front of a clean canvas and just paint for the pleasure of it.

In June I went to Australia and attended a Joy of Business-facilitator’s training class. It was some serious work, but I still found the time to hug a koala bear and to swim in the Pacific Ocean. If you ask my son, the highlight in July was our visit to Legoland in Denmark.

After the summer vacation the fall started off with some serious good news: Two organizations decided to invest in my art. Sirius purchased a painting for their office and the union DIK is now using a piece of a painting in their logo. In September I held a Business Done Different class in Gothenburg and also stopped by Lund and Malmö to give a couple of naming lectures for local businesses.

During October and November I did a small tour of Europe and held a number of classes in Germany, Austria and in the Netherlands. My son and I also went for a vacation on Malta around the time of my birthday.

As I am writing this I am unpacking the bags after having spent a long weekend in the north of Sweden where my son attended alpine skiing camp. And as if that wasn’t enough I will start up a new naming project together with an exciting software development company before year-end.

I am happy and grateful for everything that I have had the chance to experience during the year that has passed, and I eagerly look forward to the next!

Happy holidays and my best wishes for 2016.

Katarina Nilsson

Katarinas year