Large B2B groups in expansion often need our help in creating a global brand strategy that includes names. The strategy needs to cover the entire product portfolio and include creative guidelines for naming processes.

Many of these companies grow both organically and through acquisitions. Therefore, one of the recurring challenges is the management of acquired brands and the integration of a purchased product portfolio. Setting a brand strategy that includes an acquisition strategy, and then sticking with it, is a very good start.


The policy for your acquisition and brand strategy should include:

  • Courage and transparency

Be honest already at the acquisition stage – some products may need to be sold or withdrawn if they don’t contribute to the business in the long term. The fear of stepping on sore toes will only lead to confusion and a messy product portfolio.

  • Clarity

Determine exactly how to proceed in a transition phase. Which products are best suited to stay under their current brand and which are better to integrate into your existing portfolio?

  • Deadlines

Set hard time frames for product integration. Your deadlines should also cover the naming process. Brand names are not a last-minute issue.

We would love to help you create great brand names and a brand strategy that lasts over time.


More further information see here