“Companies that consciously choose to be followers will always find it hard to take the lead.”


“A truly unique workplace where we all feel like a big family. A family unlike any other.” If it sounds familiar, it is probably because that’s how most companies choose to describe themselves when recruiting new employees. While some work places are truly unique, most company names indicate the direct opposite. In fact, we seem to be living in the age of imitation.


– a very efficient business strategy when picking up passengers on a Saturday night. And who hasn’t marveled over the hundreds of attempts to mimic Spotify? Fortunately, the “Fy trend” seems to finally fade off, which is perhaps not so fortunate for all those who chose to jump on the train. Other companies are so happy with their names that they start cannibalizing on their own brand, like when Lekia introduced Babya.


Many of these entrepreneurs obviously achieve amazing results no matter what they call themselves, but clearly, stealing from thy neighbor is the new business model.


It is not only boring, but also a bad business strategy long-term.


The name and logo are the face of the company and many times the first thing your target group notices. If your product, service or business really stands out from the crowd, it is vital to communicate this in the name as well. The name of your business should preferably be able to live for decades to come – perhaps even longer than that. When a company name feels stolen, dated, anxious or unimaginative, it can hardly signal originality, distinctiveness and timelessness.


Companies that consciously choose to be followers will always find it hard to take the lead. Anyone who really dares to think differently – and can deliver an excellent service – has everything to gain.


Book a creative workshop with Eqvarium to add some flair to your name creation and mash that infamous box!


Katarina Nilsson – Eqvarium CEO