
4 Questions for a Good Brand Name

“If people like what they see and hear, they give your product a chance. And guess what the first thing they notice is?” Names should help carry brands, not destroy them. To ensure a long lifespan, you can start by asking the following four questions. If you...

When You Think Brand Names, Think Graffiti

When You Think Brand Names, Think Graffiti Even cavemen drew on walls to tell their story. Still, it’s taken graffiti and street art forever to get anywhere near mainstream culture. While some will always consider tagging a building nothing but vandalism, there’s a...

From Carol to Curse – The Dangers of a Christmas Name

Carol and Candy, Belle and Balthasar. According to a new survey made in the UK, Festive-themed names are on the rise. Parents who are expecting babies in December are thinking of naming their newborns after biblical characters, festive animals and plants – all closely...

Communicate Your Good Name in a Tagline

We always say that a good name can’t save a bad business. A good business, on the other hand, will always benefit from a rock-solid brand name. To get the most out of your brand name, you need to integrate it with your overall communications strategy right from the...

Eqvarium in Print – advice on naming in the craft industry

In a new article in Plåt & Vent, Eqvarium CEO Katarina Nilsson gives advice on naming in the craft industry. The magazine also gave her an assignment to come up with three thinkable names – good and bad ones – for imaginary tinplate and ventilation companies....

Can You Guess Everyone’s Favorite Name?

If you simply took a list of names for a new product and asked around in the office, chances are slim that people would like the same ones, and that’s fine. But in a thorough naming process done right, your naming team should be able to come to an agreement without...